Consulting/Certification BSI Grundschutz for VISA services
As requested by the German Federal Foreign Office (=Auswärtiges Amt) all organizations providing VISA coordination services to issue Schengen VISA have to achieve a ISO 27001 certification based on the BSI concept of IT security (BSI Grundschutz).
We are aware of this requirement. As a BSI-certified security-service-provider we offer highly specialized and professional services to guide you through the process for getting certified and by this to fulfill the given requirement. We are in direct contact with BSI (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, Federal Office for Information Security) .
BSI-Grundschutz for organizations offering VISA services is a challenge and quite a few questions arise on the way to being certified. Typical questions deal with the clarification of the scope and how your offices will be part of the certification. Furthermore it may be needed to determine, where information is electronically stored and how these facilities or service-providers have to be involved in the scope and thereby in the certification.
Some organizations already have a certification for ISO 27001 by a DAkkS-registered certification body. Although this will help in getting ready for the certification in compliance to BSI-Grundschutz, it is still needed to elaborate different representation of the ISMS-documents. The question, how fast and how effective this can be managed, is a vital question for the VISA organizations, for which no one could have all answers ready at hand, but we provide the needed services to find a well adopted way for your organization.
Our services comprise the following packages:
- Explanation and translation services for the formal requirements of BSI-Grundschutz, including getting the application ready for certification
- Performing the certification audits for your organization and handing in the report to BSI for further assessment and certification decision
- Consulting-services for getting you ready to fulfill the BSI-Grundschutz-requirements
- Coaching-services for enabling you to find an effective way to prepare the reference documents needed for certification-audit
The services for consulting or coaching cannot be combined with the audit-services, as this is prohibited by the certification scheme.
If you have any further questions: just contact us, we are ready to support you.